Areas of Expertise
Committed To Helping Our Clients Succeed
We bring the expertise to assist you to optimize the success your research organization.
A research strategy must be at the core of every successful research organization. In today's environment, a research organization must leverage the strengths of its ongoing research programs, and those programs that have the potential to expand with its internal resources and plans. It must consider the every changing support from the federal government and other sources as well as other competing programs. The RAM Strategy Group can work your organization to develop your competitive research strategy and assist in aligning it with your other organizational priorities.
Executive leadership as CEO, COO, VP for Research, or other senior managerial positions is crucial for a successful research and development operation at a research institution or start-up or non-profit company. Leadership provides the vision to make the strategy a success. A good leader supports and motivates staff and ensures resources are available to achieve the organizations goals. When an institution has vacancies in key leadership positions, the RAM Strategy Group can provide the organization with this critical interim or longer term leadership.
By operations, we mean how a research administration office interrelates with its different offices. How the office operates from the vice president of research on down. How do each of the following: pre-award, post-award, regulatory compliance , technology commercialization, and clinical trials offices and any organizational committees interact with each other for success of the organization. The RAM Strategy Group works with clients to ensure an smooth operation of each office and a seamless interaction among them.
A research administration office is part of the larger organization. For a successful program there must be integration with other departments within the organization such as: the research departments, office of counsel, human resources, purchasing, and other ancillary departments within the institution. The RAM Strategy Group works with our clients to ensure that the various linkages are in place and that the various linkages are working effectively to streamline research activities at the institution.
Policies and Procedures
An effective and efficient research institution is required to have a significant number of policies and procedures. Policies and procedures are necessary in pre- and post-award, regulatory compliance, technology commercialization and clinical trials offices. Many policies are set in federal, state or local regulations, which are constantly changing. Other policies and procedures may relate to other funding sources such as commercial sponsors. Other institutional policies and procedures are set by the research institution for its own internal opration. The RAM Strategy Group works with clients to determine if necessary policies and procedures are in place, are being followed, and are up to date.
Metric Analysis
Today's competitive research environment requires research organizations to engage in metric analysis to monitor and evaluate the different aspects of their research management operation. A metric analysis of your organization lets you improve the overall performance of your research management activities from operations and integration processes to staffing at the department level to the individual staff member. It allows your organization to more closely align your activities with your research strategy, and leadership to act on issues where there can be improved efficiencies and performance. The RAM Strategy Group can perform the metric analysis you need to help your organization succeed.
Initial and ongoing training for researchers and research managers is critical for a successful research program. Researchers are required to have specific training in various aspects of research management. For example, the federal government requires specific training in responsible conduct of research, and human subjects protections. With ever changing rules and regulations, research managers, also need training in all aspects of research management - pre- and post-award, clinical trials, various aspects of regulatory compliance, and technology compliance. The RAM Strategy Group can provide the detailed training your institution needs.
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